
  1. 3. Favorite Food
  2. 5. Dog or Cat?
  3. 6. hi there cool aid
  4. 7. Jen plays rhythm games, which one does she like right now?
  5. 10. Are you hot?
  6. 11. You have the cheese touch *crosses fingers* (uhoh)
  7. 13. Kpop!
  8. 14. How many Acquaintances do I have online?
  9. 15. Favorite Dessert
  10. 17. Which roblox game did i meet max and melanie in?
  11. 18. Which grade was I when I met Dakota
  12. 19. how many questions are there?
  1. 1. Favorite Chocolate
  2. 2. Summer break or Winter break?
  3. 4. Favorite primary color
  4. 8. Favorite song (clean bandit zara larsson)
  5. 9. Introvert or Extrovert?
  6. 10. Am I open for random art suggestions?
  7. 12. Serious question, when did i first meet max and melanie?
  8. 16. Favorite Sport