Jen's Baby Shower Crossword

  1. 3. at week 20, fruit size comparison
  2. 6. how many weeks pregnant was Jen when she found out she was pregnant
  3. 7. Which skun animal was Dale alikend to at birth
  4. 8. food Jen has craved
  5. 10. A food on Jen's first post pregnancy meal
  6. 14. Brand of cloth nappies Jen wants to use
  7. 16. on dale's side of the family, which number grandchild wil this be
  8. 17. Dale's Middle Name
  9. 18. birth stone if born on due date
  10. 20. another thing Jen cant wait to have post pregnancy
  1. 1. Baby Deer
  2. 2. Jen's nickname for her maternity pillow
  3. 4. Jen's Middle Name
  4. 5. Which hosiptal is Jen having her baby at
  5. 9. Where did Jen and Dale meet?
  6. 11. Baby's nick name in the belly
  7. 12. on Jen's side of the family, which number grandchild will this be
  8. 13. how many weeks to go
  9. 15. Baby's zodiac sign if born on the due date
  10. 19. What does Jen call a dummy?