- 3. An other example of an input device.
- 6. Main circuit board.
- 7. Brains of the computer.
- 11. Blue port thing on back of computer.
- 12. Used to get internet.
- 13. Converts power for the computer.
- 16. The systems short term memory.
- 17. An example is headphones.
- 19. Cools the components of the computer.
- 20. The systems long term memory.
- 1. Special purpose for audio and video.
- 2. An example of an input device.
- 4. Used to turn off the computer.
- 5. Pink thing on back of the computer.
- 8. Converts power for the computer.
- 9. Expressed with numbers 0 and 1.
- 10. user of windows.
- 14. small hole in the computer for headphones.
- 15. Also known as the system unit.
- 18. An is an/a __________ device.