Jesse Johansen n9963553

  1. 5. The genetic material of a prokaryote
  2. 8. Unlike eukaryotes,prokaryotes do not contain these
  3. 9. Helps the cell move
  4. 10. E.coli are commonly found here
  5. 11. A common name for most prokaryotes
  6. 13. Circular dsDNA strands, separate to the circular chromosome,that replicate independently
  7. 14. The 'E' in E.coli is short for...
  1. 1. Adhesive hair-like structures on the exterior of the E.coli cell
  2. 2. Type of cell wall structure E.coli has
  3. 3. The peptidogycan cell wall is contained in this space
  4. 4. Contained in the outer membrane
  5. 6. E.coli is used to create this compound for treatment of diabetes
  6. 7. The interior of the cell
  7. 12. Vital for protein synthesis