- 2. Catholics are Christians, Jesus was a ______.
- 3. Israel's greatest king and ancestor of Jesus. (2 Samuel 7:8-16)
- 6. The last letter of the Greek alphabet.
- 10. A man or woman during the time of Israel's kings who spoke God's word to the king, calling king and people to keep their covenant with God and care for the poor.
- 11. Governor of Syria when Jesus was born.(Luke 2:2)
- 12. The sacrament that celebrates Jesus' body and blood broken and poured out for us.
- 14. The Mystery of One God in Three Divine Persons.
- 16. The name for God that Moses learned when God appeared to him in the burning bush. The name means "the one who causes to be."
- 17. The mystery of the Risen Jesus leaving the earth to be with God.
- 18. The mother of Jesus is often called the Blessed ________ Mary.
- 20. A title for Jesus that honors his power and authority; it comes from the Greek word kyrios.
- 23. The word Christmas is sometimes written this way because the letter "chi", written like an English X, is the first letter of Christ's name in Greek.
- 24. A form of public punishment the Romans used for slaves and non-Romans who committed terrible crimes such as murder, treason, and rebellion.
- 25. The quality of being one; the state into which the Kingdom of God will gather all people.
- 26. A word for the birth of Jesus.
- 1. A man's name that comes from the name of the priest in the Temple who did not trust the words of the angel Gabriel.
- 4. The mystery of God becoming human.
- 5. Jesus praises people who are poor, lowly, meek, merciful, pure of heart, and hungry for justice. (Matthew 5:3-12)
- 7. The story of the life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. The word means "Good News"; the first four books of the New Testament.
- 8. A Hebrew word that means "the anointed one". (Acts 2:36)
- 9. Trust in and commitment to a person; belief in someone or in truths.
- 13. Jesus has two natures - one is divine, the other is ________.
- 15. The Reign of God that Jesus came to establish on the earth.
- 19. The mystery that describes what Jesus' Death and Ressurection do for all people; In Jesus' time, the word meant paying a ransom. (Ephesians 1:7,14)
- 21. The practical knowledge, understanding, good judgment, and skill gained from the experience of living.
- 22. A sign that makes present Jesus' loving, healing, and forgiving actions for us.