Jesus heals the leper

  1. 2. Jesus did this for the leper and didn't get sick himself
  2. 3. Lepers felt this because others thought it was caused by sin.
  3. 4. The man went to this person to get permission to live among others again.
  4. 5. Leprosy is a type of bacterial _?_.
  5. 7. Jesus healed the man by a quick and miraculous _?.
  6. 9. This a disease that can change the way people look.
  7. 10. The man was this before Jesus when he fell on his knees.
  1. 1. The man with leporsy was not only healed but _?_ on the inside as well.
  2. 6. Jesus asked the man not to tell others of the miracle but he was to _?_.
  3. 8. Lepers weren't allowed in the city because others were this.