Jesus is alive!! (Luke chapter 24)

  1. 1. How were Jesus' friends feeling? (verse 17)
  2. 6. After this Jesus __________ (verse 31)
  3. 8. Jesus ate some _________ (verse 42-43)
  4. 11. Jesus followers will tell people that they can be _________ (verse 47)
  5. 12. Jesus friends went back to ____________ (verse 33)
  6. 13. Jesus said His followers will tell people to turn away from their _______ (verse 47)
  7. 16. Jesus explained how the Scriptures talked about Him, beginning with Moses and the ________ (verse 27)
  8. 17. Jesus went in to ________ with his friends (verse 29)
  9. 18. Jesus friends were scared because they thought he was a _________ (verse 37)
  1. 1. Jesus made them able to understand the ___________ (verse 45)
  2. 2. People from every ________ will hear about Jesus (verse 47)
  3. 3. Where were Jesus' followers going? (verse 13)
  4. 4. Jesus' friends had hoped he was going to set Israel _____ (verse 21)
  5. 5. Jesus explained that the Christ will ______ (verse 46)
  6. 7. When Jesus broke the bread, his friends ____________ Him (verse 31)
  7. 9. He said the Christ will _______ from the dead on the third day (verse 46)
  8. 10. Jesus had died on a ________ (verse 20)
  9. 14. Who came and walked with them? (verse 15)
  10. 15. Jesus told his friends to __________ Him to see that he had a real body (verse 39)
  11. 19. What was empty earlier that mrorning? (verse 22)