Hope-Jesus, Light of the World

  1. 2. What Christ used to preach about the Kingdom of God
  2. 6. Blood was placed on this during The Passover
  3. 7. Sacrificed during the passion
  4. 10. Christ's miracle at Cana began this
  5. 11. Greek for "Thanksgiving"
  6. 13. How long Jesus fasted in the wilderness
  7. 14. What does the Last Supper anticipate
  8. 18. Recalls the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ
  9. 19. The third Mystery of the Rosary in the Luminous Mysteries
  10. 20. The Cross and events surrounding Christ's death where Christ's Greatest...
  11. 21. Blood was shed on this during The Passion
  12. 24. baptized Jesus in the Jordan River
  1. 1. Appeared only twice in St.John's Gospels at Cana and the foot of the cross
  2. 3. Christ instituted the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Holy Orders at this event
  3. 4. Sacrificed during The Passover
  4. 5. The Manifestation of Christ at the Wedding in Cana revealed his...
  5. 8. In What does the Eucharist enable the faithful to share
  6. 9. The number of Apostles present at the Transfiguration
  7. 12. Visible sign of the Kingdom of God on Earth
  8. 15. main reason the Kingdom was established
  9. 16. The act of liberating a person from the power of the devil
  10. 17. Jesus Turned water into this
  11. 22. Represented by Light in Sacred Scripture
  12. 23. how the luminous mysteries relate to the redemption
  13. 24. The King in the Kingdom of God