Jevin's epic puzzle

  1. 3. construction
  2. 6. fixes race car drivers cars
  3. 10. makes scooters
  4. 11. uses chemical
  5. 14. works with technology
  6. 15. works with electricity
  7. 17. makes cars
  8. 19. fixes cars
  9. 21. makes and designs things that work great
  10. 24. fixes and works with wind energy
  11. 25. makes the machines
  12. 26. works for the kings army to fix his vehicles
  1. 1. designs and makes trains
  2. 2. fixes animal things
  3. 4. studies genes
  4. 5. designs infrastructure
  5. 7. improves infrastructures
  6. 8. fixes transportation
  7. 9. helps, the firefighters
  8. 12. helps to keep good storage
  9. 13. works with special machines
  10. 16. makes oil rigs and refines oil
  11. 18. bridges and tourism
  12. 20. investments
  13. 22. repairs vehicles in the US army
  14. 23. provides civil engineering