JJ's Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. the most common and the fastest decalcifying agent
  2. 7. failure of an organ to reach its normal mature adult size
  3. 10. provides better support for the harder elements in a specimen allowing thinner sections to be obtained
  4. 11. a volatile oil found in citrus peels
  5. 13. a polymerized form of formaldehyde, usually obtained as a fine white powder
  6. 14. the simplest, most common and best embedding medium used for routine tissue processing.
  7. 16. used for infiltrating eye specimens
  8. 17. a synthetic wax substitute similar to paraplast with a melting point of 56-58°C
  9. 18. microtome invented by Trefall, the simplest among the different types of microtomes
  10. 20. mixture of highly purified paraffin and synthetic plastic polymers
  11. 25. considered to be the major factor responsible for the effects of microwaves during tissue fixation.
  12. 26. impregnation process where specific tissue elements are demonstrated by colorless solutions of metallic salts
  13. 28. drying & wrinkling of the anterior chamber of the eye and cornea
  14. 30. the process of sealing the margins of the cover-slip to prevent the escape of fluid
  15. 32. can fix and also dehydrate tissues at the same time
  16. 33. minimum shrinkage for dehydrating sections and smear
  17. 36. a method of cytology in which cells are collected using various tools from body surfaces (skin, mucous membranes)
  18. 38. defined as a process in which water is entirely removed from the tissues
  19. 39. serves as a link or bridge between the tissue and the dye
  20. 40. a resinous medium recommended for small tissue sections
  21. 42. knife used for trimming and semi-thin sectioning of tissue blocks for electron microscopy
  22. 43. a substance which can be smeared on to the slides so that the sections stick well to the slides
  23. 44. has a high index of refraction and provides greater visibility if slightly diluted with water
  24. 46. a water soluble wax for enzyme histochemistry
  25. 50. oil that causes minimum shrinkage of tissues
  26. 52. defined as the killing, penetration and hardening of tissues
  27. 53. compound fixative recommended for nuceleoproteins
  28. 55. fixative used for acid mucopolysaccharides & tissue mucin
  29. 56. pain due to the release of chemical substances like bradykinin that stimulates nerve endings for pains.
  30. 57. embedding that involves wax impregnation under negative atmospheric pressure inside an embedding oven
  31. 59. complete nonappearance (absence) of organ
  1. 1. product of paraffin with rubber
  2. 2. is a natural resin extracted from the Canadian tree, Abus Balsamea
  3. 3. recommended for cutting paraffin - embedded sections on a rotary microtome
  4. 4. knife used to cut any type of resin block for electron microscopy
  5. 5. a colorless clearing agent that is most commonly used in histology laboratories
  6. 8. refers to the manner on how the disease develops
  7. 9. the process whereby the clearing agent is completely removed from the tissue
  8. 12. a moderate-acting decalcifying agent which produces better nuclear staining with less tissue distortion
  9. 15. taken in by the tissue & stabilizes tissue proteins
  10. 19. supplied as a 40% aqueous solution; smallest aldehyde fixative
  11. 21. considered the most common metallic fixative
  12. 22. substitute for Xylene and Benzene
  13. 23. is the selective removal of excess stain from the tissue during regressive staining
  14. 24. preferred by some as clearing agent in the embedding process of tissues because it penetrates and clears tissues rapidly
  15. 27. involves getting tissue sample from a living person
  16. 28. can act both as dehydrating agent and clearing agent
  17. 29. gives more polishing effect than Belgium yellow
  18. 31. process of grinding the cutting edge to have an edge
  19. 34. the process of removing excess fixative from athe tissue after fixation
  20. 35. isoprene polymers found in essential oils originally derived from plants
  21. 37. refers to the cause; genetic or acquired
  22. 41. a synthetic resin mixture in xylene, available in a pale yellow or colorless solution
  23. 45. removal of calcium ions or lime salts from the organic extracellular matrix
  24. 47. oil recommended for clearing embryos, insects, and other very delicate specimens
  25. 48. staining process whereby tissue elements are stained in a definite sequence
  26. 49. the selective staining of living cell constituents
  27. 51. a synthetic resin which is soluble in xylene
  28. 54. a reagent that both dehydrates and clears tissues since it is miscible in both water and paraffin
  29. 58. recommended for plant and animal micro techniques