
  1. 5. Cody and May need to rekindle their love
  2. 7. Patrick's night terror subject
  3. 8. Don't forget to _____ afterwards
  4. 14. Joanna's favorite person
  5. 16. Joanna's alter ego
  6. 20. luminous body watching
  7. 21. Rounding up to fight children with _____
  8. 23. Didn't mean the ______
  9. 25. I need to get back into ____
  10. 28. nickname for sleepy Rob
  11. 29. My name's not _____!
  12. 30. Rob's former aspiration
  13. 31. Go here for cookies
  14. 33. Rob's sexy apparel
  1. 1. Purveyor of the dark
  2. 2. villager's activity
  3. 3. Forced to watch
  4. 4. Rob's supposed fear
  5. 6. Your home
  6. 8. J. Tillman
  7. 9. Red crustacean
  8. 10. regular hexahedron pastime
  9. 11. They watch you sleep
  10. 12. Our spark
  11. 13. Can't look at this artist the same way
  12. 15. The capitol of Washington D.C.
  13. 17. Rob won't turn it up
  14. 18. You were, You are, _____
  15. 19. Undergrad locale
  16. 22. Hope you don't fall into it while sleeping
  17. 24. Marge's dear
  18. 26. alternative to two smalls
  19. 27. daily game
  20. 32. goose's ultimate goal