Joass Wedding

  1. 4. Bride
  2. 5. Promises made by the groom and bride
  3. 7. The one throwing flowers
  4. 8. Groom
  5. 12. Flowers the bride carries
  6. 14. What comes before a wedding
  7. 15. Dinner and dancing after the wedding
  8. 16. What are the Lundhardts
  9. 20. Junior Bride
  10. 21. What is the groom wearing
  11. 22. Pastor Shane
  12. 24. What does a bride wear
  1. 1. Maid of Honor
  2. 2. What the bride will be after the wedding
  3. 3. Where the wedding is happening today
  4. 6. When is the wedding
  5. 9. What is Kassia's maiden name
  6. 10. What the bride and groom will go on on Monday
  7. 11. What faith are Kass and Joel
  8. 13. The person who brings the rings down the aisle
  9. 17. What is Joel's last name
  10. 18. Best Man
  11. 19. People invited to a wedding
  12. 23. What the groom will be after the wedding