Job 1 (Emma)

  1. 3. Job had this many oxen and female donkeys.
  2. 6. Job had 7,000 of these.
  3. 9. Job ______ God and turned away from evil.
  4. 10. The Lord ______ Job.(vs. 10)
  5. 11. His family did this often.
  6. 13. Job made many burnt _________ on behalf of his children.
  7. 14. A ________ came to tell Job the news.
  1. 1. Job had 3,000 of these.
  2. 2. Job was the ________ of all the people in the east.
  3. 4. Job had this many daughters.
  4. 5. Job's animals and property were ________.
  5. 7. Job was _________ and upright.
  6. 8. Job had this many sons.
  7. 12. The Lord allowed Satan to ____ Job.
  8. 14. Job had very ____ servants.