Job occupations (20 pts)

  1. 3. paints houses
  2. 5. attends passengers
  3. 7. charges your bills
  4. 9. takes away your waste
  5. 13. takes photos
  6. 14. fix computers
  7. 16. puts out a fire
  8. 17. cleans the office
  9. 19. types letters
  10. 20. cures patients
  1. 1. catches criminal people
  2. 2. cooks food
  3. 4. brings your restaurant order
  4. 6. cuts the grass
  5. 8. cares patients
  6. 10. bakes breads
  7. 11. catches fix
  8. 12. fixes water pipes
  9. 15. flies an airplane
  10. 18. teaches any subject