
  1. 3. What killed Job's sheep.
  2. 4. Job's friends told him he was being ________ for his sins.
  3. 5. A holy and wealthy man from the land of Uz.
  4. 7. Satan claimed Job only loved God because he was a ________ man.
  5. 8. God ________ job by doubling his wealth and giving him seven more sons and three more daughters.
  1. 1. Satan tried to destroy Job's ________.
  2. 2. The lord set his sights on Job and great _________ came upon him.
  3. 4. God was pleased with Job's _________ in suffering.
  4. 6. Job did not _____ God for all the hardships.
  5. 8. "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall ______."