
  1. 4. Takes care of the plants
  2. 5. Cooks food
  3. 8. Reports on a news
  4. 10. Uploads videos to a social network for example: Willirex
  5. 11. Heals animals
  6. 12. player Can play 7 or 11 players
  7. 13. player Plays Pau Gasol
  8. 17. Fixes the shoes
  9. 19. sells Fruit and vegetables
  10. 20. catches the bad guys
  1. 1. Paints pictures
  2. 2. Deals cards
  3. 3. Makes buildings
  4. 6. Cuts hair
  5. 7. Puts out the fires
  6. 9. Heals people
  7. 14. Makes bread
  8. 15. Defends people
  9. 16. Teaches students to read and write
  10. 18. Plays a role