  1. 3. a man who uses a camera
  2. 4. they take care of the womens face
  3. 6. takes care of peoples hair
  4. 7. a man who creates his own work
  5. 10. physical work
  6. 14. people who do not have a job are registered
  7. 15. when we are not satisfied
  8. 16. takes care of the garden
  9. 17. sews peoples clothes
  10. 18. employ employees
  11. 19. school employer
  1. 1. a man who has no job
  2. 2. extinguish fires
  3. 3. they help people
  4. 5. man who has a lot of many
  5. 8. work for people?
  6. 9. the pesson we work for
  7. 11. take care of peple health
  8. 12. we get for the work
  9. 13. a day when we dont have to work