
  1. 3. in politics
  2. 4. attractive in fashion
  3. 8. design, build or maintain engines, machines or public works
  4. 12. count money
  5. 16. acts in movie
  6. 17. a qualifield person that decides cases in a law court
  7. 18. catches fish
  8. 19. prepared food in restaurant
  9. 20. help the doctor
  10. 21. designing things
  1. 1. makes new reports in writing or television
  2. 2. healty problem
  3. 5. a person that gives lectures, usually in university
  4. 6. flies a plane
  5. 7. master high position in school
  6. 9. repairs machines
  7. 10. write books or novel
  8. 11. they cut your hair or give it a new style
  9. 13. stay in a bakery
  10. 14. a person that works on a farm, usually with animals
  11. 15. parents in school