  1. 2. makes women`s hair look nice
  2. 4. takes care of people in hospital
  3. 6. cooks food
  4. 9. writes the news
  5. 13. gives advice to people about the law
  6. 15. makes laws
  7. 16. the place where research is done
  8. 18. serves in the army
  9. 19. builds bridges
  1. 1. the place where cars are repaired
  2. 3. writes music
  3. 5. the place where you can eat tasty food
  4. 7. designs buildings
  5. 8. does research
  6. 10. does sport
  7. 11. repairs baths and toilets
  8. 12. repairs cars
  9. 14. brings food to people`s tables
  10. 15. studies human emotions and behaviour
  11. 17. helps pets when they are ill