
  1. 1. Looks to see if people's houses are good
  2. 5. Someone who does surgery
  3. 6. Works with air conditioning
  4. 10. Plays a sport
  5. 11. Helps with plumbing systems
  6. 12. Person that goes to space and is trained
  7. 13. Someone who makes decisions over the country
  8. 14. Works with the electricity
  9. 18. Person who drives things to places
  10. 19. Help people in the hospital
  11. 20. Makes food for others
  1. 2. Fly aircrafts
  2. 3. Build things
  3. 4. Cleans people's teeth
  4. 7. Makes things with cloth
  5. 8. Helps with looking on people's insides
  6. 9. People that are in movies
  7. 15. Treating people's conditions slowly
  8. 16. Person that helps with computers
  9. 17. Someone that fixes something