Jobs and work

  1. 2. makes sure you don't park your car for too long in the wrong place
  2. 5. recommends you to read something
  3. 8. comes when a house is on fire
  4. 11. makes things out of wood
  5. 12. helps you, e.g. when you've lost your job
  6. 14. treats sick or injured animals
  7. 15. cuts or makes your hair
  8. 16. looks after bookkeeping in the company
  9. 19. plays various instruments
  10. 22. writes articles for a newspaper
  11. 23. repairs cars, vans, buses
  12. 24. welcomes you to a hotel, hospital etc.
  13. 26. designs new buildings
  14. 27. comes when your power is off
  1. 1. makes pies, bread, cakes
  2. 3. represents you in court
  3. 4. fights for his/ her country
  4. 6. you see this person when your tooth aches
  5. 7. comes when your water pipe has broken
  6. 9. does research and makes discoveries
  7. 10. is in charge of a republic
  8. 13. serves you in a restaurant
  9. 17. runs a meeting or an organisation
  10. 18. operates people when there is something wrong
  11. 20. swims underwater to help find something/ somebody
  12. 21. works on a film or a theatre play
  13. 25. checks that articles are correct