- 3. I am the cook boss in a restaurant
- 6. I take care of people when they are ill
- 7. I cut people's hair
- 8. I fly airplanes
- 12. I make people learn
- 15. abogado in English
- 16. camarera in English
- 18. I design buildings
- 20. I work in a factory
- 22. I work for the army
- 23. I work in a administrative office
- 24. Inginiero in English
- 25. I work with animals
- 27. I work for a newspaper
- 1. I construct buildings
- 2. guia in English
- 4. I work in airplanes but I do not fly the airplane
- 5. I am a Barca player
- 6. I take care of people's teeth
- 9. enfermera/enfermero in English
- 10. I work for the police
- 11. I play in films
- 13. I work in a hotel
- 14. camarero in English
- 17. I drive people in yellow cars
- 19. I clean
- 21. I work with numbers and calculate
- 26. I play music