Jobs Jobs Jobs

  1. 2. puts fires out
  2. 4. works in a store and puts groceries in a bag
  3. 5. installs and fixes pipes for water
  4. 6. maintains and cleans schools or buildings
  5. 8. washes pots, pans and dishes
  6. 9. prepares foods
  7. 12. reports the news and writes stories for the public
  8. 13. grows crops and raises animals
  9. 14. fixes cavities and other dental issues.
  10. 15. installs and fixes wires for lights and power
  11. 16. cuts hair, mostly men
  12. 17. builds things like buildings
  13. 21. cleans houses or hotels
  14. 22. tansports students to and from school on a yellow vehicle
  1. 1. takes photos
  2. 3. examines evidence from a crime
  3. 7. enforces laws and maintains order
  4. 10. charges people to go places in their yellow cab
  5. 11. plays and creates music
  6. 18. checks people out at stores
  7. 19. delivers food
  8. 20. instructs students