Jobs & money- vocabulary

  1. 3. Job not filled yet.
  2. 5. Special work benefits.
  3. 7. Money earned by a business after its expenses have been paid.
  4. 9. Person employed in industry.
  5. 11. Act of being given a more important job.
  6. 12. Person employed at a low level in a job in order to learn the skills needed for that job.
  7. 13. Boss/person you work for.
  8. 14. A person who's described as ______ has been laid off from their job.
  9. 15. Retirement found/ regular sum of money from the state because of retirement.
  10. 17. To leave a job.
  11. 18. Coins and bank notes.
  1. 1. Person we are closely involved in business, marriage, etc.
  2. 2. Somebody who works for a boss.
  3. 4. Person who buys things.
  4. 5. Official document that states that you may do something.
  5. 6. Person considered for a position.
  6. 8. Money earned by working/income from work.
  7. 10. To stop working and receive a pension.
  8. 16. A written announcement.