
  1. 2. Someone who creates and uses recipes
  2. 4. Someone who sews clothing
  3. 6. Someone who handles financial accounts and works with taxes
  4. 9. Someone who gardens
  5. 10. Someone who operates a cash machine
  6. 11. Someone who interprets languages
  7. 12. Someone who takes photographs
  8. 17. Someone who works in sales
  9. 18. Someone who manages a business
  1. 1. Someone who paints
  2. 2. Someone who builds houses
  3. 3. Someone who carries mail (another name for postman)
  4. 5. Someone who is a doctor for animals
  5. 7. Someone who helps sick people
  6. 8. Someone who refills prescriptions in a pharmacy
  7. 12. Someone who studies the mind
  8. 13. Someone who guides tourists
  9. 14. Someone who inspects buildings for safety
  10. 15. Someone who drives a bus, truck, taxi, etc.
  11. 16. Someone who decorates houses or building