Jody and Amy (starred clues reveal our message to the "newly"weds)

  1. 3. *Peas _________ carrots
  2. 4. *_________hands make light work
  3. 6. *Joyful state
  4. 8. *God bless _____________
  5. 11. *s'__________ (campfire treat)
  6. 14. Home for more than 20 years
  1. 1. Jody and Craig's Challenge in 2016
  2. 2. 2011 Stanley Cup Champions
  3. 5. Former home state
  4. 7. Island home
  5. 9. *groups of 365 days
  6. 10. Amy's college team
  7. 12. *Rhymes with dove
  8. 13. *____________well
  9. 14. Number of sons
  10. 15. *The greatest of these is ____________ (1 Corinthians 13:13)