John Calvin, Response to Sadoleto, 1539

  1. 3. Calvin accuses Sadoleto of “bear[ing] down full _____”
  2. 7. The reformation brought along a “different form of doctrine”, restoring Christianity to its original ________.
  3. 9. What does Calvin consider the “first and keenest” subject of controversy between Sadoleto and himself?
  4. 12. What is “gratuitous righteousness” connected with?
  5. 13. What does Calvin call the "doctrines sprung from the human brain"?
  6. 14. Christian teachers preached of God’s mercy, but only to those who were what?
  1. 1. How does Calvin describe the Catholic model? "the ancient form of the Church... by illiterate men"
  2. 2. Where the knowledge of justification is taken away, what becomes of the hope of salvation?
  3. 4. How does Calvin describe Sadoleto’s attack on reformers? “I… profess to be one of those whom with so much enmity you… ”
  4. 5. Calvin points out a discrepancy, explaining the “highest knowledge benefitting plebeian minds was to subdue [them] into…”
  5. 6. According to Calvin, how does Sadoleto "stir up prejudice" against reformers?
  6. 8. Sadoleto assumes the most certain rule of worship is prescribed by the _____
  7. 10. Whatever human minds conceive concerning worship is considered _________.
  8. 11. The true meaning of baptism and the Supper were “corrupted” by what?