John F. Kennedy Crossword Puzzle~~~~

  1. 5. The event that dominated Kennedy's term as president
  2. 6. Senator from the state of
  3. 8. The number of children he had and also the number of times he was shot
  4. 11. One of his reforms was to increase?
  5. 13. What took up all his time
  6. 14. Political party Kennedy is in
  1. 1. Disease he contracted in university
  2. 2. Another reform was?
  3. 3. A shortcoming of his cabinet
  4. 4. A subject he excelled in at school
  5. 7. The president this crossword is on
  6. 9. Involved in which peace organization?
  7. 10. Month Kennedy was shot
  8. 12. Intimate with