John Muir and Nature

  1. 5. Working without getting tired
  2. 6. Willing to try new and bold things
  3. 7. A giant, tall tree found in California
  4. 9. Decorated with lots of details
  5. 13. Raised ground used to hold back water
  6. 15. A person who works to protect the environment
  7. 17. Someone who studies nature and living things
  8. 18. Legendary or from old stories
  9. 19. A group effort to make change
  10. 21. Mixing or twisting together
  1. 1. Small parts taken from a larger text
  2. 2. Related to the soul or inner beliefs
  3. 3. A mountain range in the eastern United States
  4. 4. Lines on a map that show distance north or south
  5. 8. Designs sewn into fabric
  6. 10. To choose something for a purpose
  7. 11. Great beauty or impressive quality
  8. 12. Height above sea level
  9. 14. The leaves of plants and trees
  10. 16. Tough or able to survive hard conditions
  11. 19. A type of grape grown in the South
  12. 20. Moving toward the south