John Turns 90!

  1. 3. Had three of these
  2. 6. Last "roll" at Pepperidge
  3. 9. First big trip at 12 years old
  4. 12. Got a new one
  5. 15. Astrological sign
  6. 16. President in 1933
  7. 17. __Farm
  8. 19. First car
  9. 21. Drafted into
  10. 22. Favorite beer
  11. 25. Mother's name
  12. 26. ___Dora cookies
  13. 27. Uses a smart one
  14. 28. Old blue eyes
  1. 1. Birthday month abbrv.
  2. 2. Childhood street name
  3. 4. Middle name
  4. 5. Age of birthday boy
  5. 7. Favorite flower
  6. 8. Bollinger Road
  7. 10. Best Granddaughter
  8. 11. Plays daily
  9. 13. First job
  10. 14. "Go___"
  11. 18. Present topper
  12. 20. The color of the birthday boy's hair
  13. 23. Also had three of these
  14. 24. ___ birthday to you!
  15. 26. The___ telegram (first offered in 1933)