  1. 2. Muster in the _ during a power outage.
  2. 3. _ for one hour after hot work completion.
  3. 6. ERP stands for Emergency_Program
  4. 9. Call _ for emergencies.
  5. 10. Safety committee member hardhat color?
  6. 12. _________ when you hear a fire alarm.
  7. 13. Supervisors take a head_ during an emergency.
  8. 15. Accidents, Injuries and Near Misses must be_
  9. 17. Andrea _ is a safety committee rep.
  10. 18. Know where the _ bags are located.
  11. 20. First aider's hardhat color?
  1. 1. Ensure _ is shut down before evacuating.
  2. 4. Muster for a _ in the Planer Millwright Shop.
  3. 5. Your work address is?
  4. 7. Tell your _ about any safety concerns.
  5. 8. One long blast for _ Attendant.
  6. 11. We _ outside at the end of the sm sorter.
  7. 14. Last name of a safety committee member?
  8. 16. The ERP is located at the main _.
  9. 19. Defibrillator acronym