JoJo's Crossword Virtue

  1. 2. Giving tender attention to the people and things that matter to us. Listening with compassion, helping with kindness.
  2. 4. Having a discerning mind, based on experience and mindfulness
  3. 6. A sense of wonder and reverence for the harmony, color, and loveliness of the world. Calling on our creativity to add the beauty of the world
  4. 8. A sense of assurance that comes from having faith in ourselves and in life. It allows us to trust that we have the strength to cope with whatever happens
  5. 11. Is the bedrock of integrity on which we build all our other virtues.
  6. 12. Kindness and consideration guided by empathy brightens others lives.
  7. 14. Reverence and wonder, Deep respect for the source of life.
  8. 15. Being truthful, sincere, open, and genuine. The confidence to be ourselves.
  9. 16. Having faith in someone or something and having a positive expectation
  10. 17. Telling the truth kindly. Thinking before we speak, aware of how deeply our words can affect others.
  11. 18. Staying on course for however long it takes.
  12. 19. Having an attitude of caring and mercy to all people.
  13. 20. Self respect and quiet confidence. Accepting praise with humility and gratitude.
  1. 1. Being worthy of the trust others place in us.
  2. 2. Seeing the bright side, looking for the good in whatever happens
  3. 3. Inner calm and tranquility. Giving up the love of power for the power of love. Resolving conflict in a gentle way.
  4. 5. Caring deeply about a person, a goal or belief. Willingness to give to give all our all and keep our promises
  5. 7. Being steady,persevering and dependable.
  6. 9. Following what we know is right.
  7. 10. Unwavering faithfulness and commitment to people and ideas we care about, through good times and bad times.
  8. 13. A giving heart, a generous way of viewing others and caring for their needs