Jolly Holiday

  1. 2. Toast this in the fire for a treat (11)
  2. 4. Denmark is located in the _____ (5) West of Australia.
  3. 8. A picture that shows us how to get somewhere (3).
  4. 11. The name of the beach near our holiday house (5).
  5. 12. A spoonful of _____ (5) helps the medicine go down.
  6. 13. The name of the highway we travelled down (6).
  7. 15. You are only allowed to go as fast as the _____ limit (5) allows.
  8. 17. Current season (6).
  9. 18. What you can see from a lookout or high place (4).
  1. 1. You can see more of these at night than in the city (5).
  2. 3. A special lane on the road so you can pass other cars and trucks(10).
  3. 5. Lets go fly a _____ (4).
  4. 6. Something used to take photos that isn't a phone (6).
  5. 7. The name of the town we are staying in (7).
  6. 9. Feed the _____ (5), tuppence a bag.
  7. 10. Holiday _____ (5). Accommodation.
  8. 14. Extra rug to keep you warm (7).
  9. 16. You need to purchase this to enter some attractions (6).