Jonathan jacodbd jean benoit noah

  1. 4. What is <<moins que>>in english?
  2. 6. She eats__home
  3. 8. I will go shopping __ its not ice rainning.
  4. 9. I ____(hold) my binder rigth now.
  5. 11. Noah___(skip)leg day last week.
  6. 13. What is the synonyme of price?
  7. 15. Gabriel__ ark every nigth.
  8. 17. What is<<entouré de>> in english?
  9. 20. What is 170 in letter?
  10. 23. Zackary___dangerous on the road yesterday.
  1. 1. noah is always late, he is ___ _______
  2. 2. Jacod___to hit golf ball last wee-end.
  3. 3. What is the auxiliayry for permision?
  4. 5. Dylan loves to___ fast and furious every day.
  5. 6. wich article do we use with unlocky?
  6. 7. Jo___ his body one time in the month.
  7. 10. J-B__ to english class every day.
  8. 11. Which word to expres suggestion,advice,use?
  9. 12. who is the most strongest and inteligent teach in the world?
  10. 14. Which preposition of time we us with a couple of? month
  11. 16. What is <<parmi nous>> in english?
  12. 18. Wath is the season when it's halloween come?
  13. 19. Jo ___ in the stairs yesterday?
  14. 21. What is the odject zackary use every english clase?
  15. 22. What is <<neveu>> in english?