Jose Rizal-The Martyr and National Hero

  1. 2. meaning the Market
  2. 6. the parish priest who baptized Dr. Jose Rizal
  3. 10. died at the age of 85 years old
  4. 11. daily routine
  5. 13. died at the age of 30 years old
  6. 14. meaning the Greenfield
  7. 16. she was the third girl among the children
  8. 17. father of the NAtional Hero
  9. 18. she was the second girl in the family whose nickname was Sisa
  10. 20. a bully child and the son of his teacher
  1. 1. her pet name was Trining
  2. 3. the greatest Filipino hero and genius
  3. 4. she was called Panggoy by the Family
  4. 5. mother of Dr. Jose Rizal
  5. 7. the eldest among the Rizal children and her nickname was Neneng
  6. 8. a rich ilustrado of Binan
  7. 9. her nickname was Biang
  8. 12. died when she was three years old.
  9. 15. died at the age of 35 years old
  10. 19. Choleng is her pet name and the youngest among the siblings.