Joshua Chapter 3 - The Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Where children of Israel moved from
  2. 4. amount of the measure
  3. 5. When Joshua rose
  4. 7. Bore the arc
  5. 10. When they __________ the people
  6. 11. What the Lord did among the people
  7. 13. Time of day Joshua rose
  8. 14. They were with Joshua Children of ___________
  9. 16. People were to watch for the Arc of the _________
  10. 18. The people were to ________ and follow the arc
  1. 1. unit of measure
  2. 2. Those that went through the host
  3. 3. Required between the people and the arc
  4. 6. Arc was "of the _________" Israel's God
  5. 8. It came to pass after ________ days
  6. 9. What Joshua said the Lord will do among the people
  7. 12. What was said to the people
  8. 15. Also bore the arc
  9. 17. Where lodging took place