Jours et Mois

  1. 3. Summer
  2. 6. "___ showers bring..."
  3. 7. Back to School
  4. 8. Middle of the week
  5. 9. International Day of Peace
  6. 12. End of the week
  7. 13. First day of the weekend
  8. 16. New Year's Day
  9. 18. Valentine's Day
  1. 1. Independence Day
  2. 2. Voting day
  3. 4. Thanksgiving
  4. 5. Halloween
  5. 10. Thanksgiving is on this day of the week
  6. 11. First day of the week
  7. 14. Christmas & Hanukkah
  8. 15. "... ___ flowers."
  9. 17. St. Patrick's Day