Joy Luck Club Vocab

  1. 3. heated plastic that is molded into a table Pg:7
  2. 5. Chinese term that means ones ability to do what they set their mind to Pg:128
  3. 7. come watch
  4. 9. Chinese expression that means words cannot come out Pg:108
  5. 10. Chinese for must because they are your brother?
  6. 13. thick dark fog
  7. 14. Chinese character that represents longevity Pg:41
  8. 15. Chinese term for redwood furniture Pg:13
  1. 1. Chinese for stinks to death?
  2. 2. Chinese term used to describe an american Pg:124
  3. 4. sweet barbecued pork that is cut into coin siced slices Pg:20
  4. 6. Chinese game that involves 136-144 pieces Pg:10
  5. 8. early portable radio Pg:13
  6. 11. Chinese term meaning one thing will always result in another thing
  7. 12. very angry/mad (Chinese word) Pg:24