JQA and Jackson Puzzle

  1. 1. Jackson hated this institution because he believed it favored the wealthy
  2. 3. Vote for Jackson who can fight, not Adams who can...
  3. 6. Jackson portrays himself to be a man of the...
  4. 7. Jackson was the leader of the...
  5. 8. Jackson used this power more than all the previous presidents combined
  6. 10. gold and silver, also called hard currency
  7. 12. Author of South Carolina's Exposition and Protest.
  8. 14. the forcible removal of 17,000 cherokees from ancestral lands
  9. 15. who runs against Jackson in the election of 1832?
  10. 16. Andrew Jackson's nickname
  1. 2. To help protect American manufacturing, the Tariff of ... was passed
  2. 4. The political party formed during this time period.
  3. 5. Jackson did not run for a third...
  4. 6. A part of Jackson's legacy was the return of the...
  5. 9. Who defeats JQA in the election of 1828?
  6. 10. Jackson ignored the...
  7. 11. Jackson defeated JGA relatively...
  8. 13. Who won the election of 1824?