- 3. A brave hole dweller with hairy feet
- 5. An evil white wizard
- 6. Frodo asked Gollum to take him to the black __
- 8. Pippin's last name
- 9. Frodo and Bilbo's last name
- 11. The true love of Aragorn, who gave him the Evenstar
- 13. Sam's father was known as 'The Old ___'
- 14. '______ of a Took'
- 1. A Friendly Gardener
- 2. What had to be destroyed: '___ of power'
- 4. The pony that accompanied the Fellowship all the way to the entrance to the Mines of Moria
- 5. The name belonging to the creature Gollum before the ring poisoned his mind
- 7. The lady of Rohan who killed the Witch-King of Angmar
- 9. Pippin lit one in Minas Tirith to alert rohan to the struggle of Gondor
- 10. Another name for Aragorn
- 12. An elegant race, to which Legolas belonged.
- 13. A dwarf, Father of Gimli. He was one of the Company of Thorin Oakenshield