  1. 1. Well. He drinks Chinese tea.
  2. 5. How many years they've been together?
  3. 7. Words of wisdom for the groom: "Happy ___ Happy Life."
  4. 8. They are paired mix double.
  5. 9. The clue is on their wedding ring!
  6. 10. Whenever the bride meets or hears something unbelievable, she says this word.
  7. 13. The wedding theme.
  1. 2. They spend every Monday (mid)night watching this Korean variety show together.
  2. 3. Where did they went for wed-traveling?
  3. 4. His hometown.
  4. 6. Nom nom nom. They love it.
  5. 11. She was born in March.
  6. 12. Her favourite color.