Judges 4

  1. 3. Who did Deborah send to fight Jabin's army?
  2. 5. another prophetess
  3. 6. Who did the Lord sell the children of Israel to?
  4. 7. Sisera ____ on his feet
  5. 10. Who was Deborah?
  6. 13. Sisera went to whose tent?
  7. 14. Since they did evil, the Lord _____ them
  8. 15. What did she give Sisera to drink?
  9. 16. How many years where the children of Israel oppressed in this chapter?
  10. 17. Who was the captain of Jabin's army?
  1. 1. What river is mentioned?
  2. 2. Deborah and Barak sang _____ ye the Lord
  3. 4. What mount did Barak go up?
  4. 8. What did Sisera ask Jael to do?
  5. 9. another word for defeated or overthrew
  6. 11. What kind of tree did Deborah dwell under?
  7. 12. the children of Israel again did ___ in the sight of the Lord
  8. 13. Deborah _______ Israel at that time.