Judges Chapter 5

  1. 4. went out of _____ (5:4)
  2. 5. Barak, son of ______ (5:12)
  3. 6. Then the horses’ hooves pounded, the "galloping of his _______.(5:22)
  4. 9. "Ancient torrent (river), the torrent of ________ (5:21)
  5. 10. Those whose root is in _______ came out of Ephraim (5:14)
  6. 11. By the "divisions" (watercourses) of ______, there were great resolves of heart.(5:16)
  7. 14. For how many years did the land had rest? (5:31)
  8. 17. "_____continued at the seashore, And stayed by his inlets." (5:17)
  9. 18. the son of Anath (5:6)
  10. 20. _________ Meroz,’ said the LORD’s angel.Curse bitterly its inhabitants. (5:23)
  11. 22. Who is the most blessed among women according to the poem? (5:24)
  12. 25. The travelers walked through _______ (5:6)
  13. 26. "Rulers" came down out of ______ (5:14)
  14. 27. Who remained on ships? (5:17)
  1. 1. Those who handle the "recruiter's" (marshal’s) staff came out of _____ (5:14)
  2. 2. "________ also, on the heights of the battlefield" (5:18)
  3. 3. Who lived beyond the Jordan? (5:17)
  4. 4. The mountain mentioned as "gushed before the Lord" (5:5)
  5. 6. Why did you sit amongst the _________? To hear the whistling ("pipings")for the flocks? (5:16)
  6. 7. Ride on white ______ (5:10)
  7. 8. They took no "spoils" of _________ (5:19)
  8. 12. marched out of the field of ______(5:4)
  9. 13. The princes of _______ were with Deborah. (5:15)
  10. 15. The noise of the ______ (5:11)
  11. 16. No shield or spear seen among _____thousand in Israel.(5:8)
  12. 19. After you, _______ among your peoples (5:14)
  13. 21. A people that jeopardised their lives to the death (5:18)
  14. 23. The kings of Canaan fought at Taanach by the waters of ______ (5:19)
  15. 24. In the days of _____, the highways were unoccupied (5:6)