  1. 2. Less serious crime
  2. 3. A court case where someone is accused of breaking a criminal law
  3. 6. Defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
  4. 7. A court case that has two parties in disagreement
  5. 11. The government side of the criminal case
  6. 13. A person and or company filing the complaint in a civil lawsuit
  7. 14. A serious crime
  8. 17. What police need to arrest, search someone/property or have a warrent
  9. 19. The authority to review the decisions made by the lower courts
  10. 20. First court to hear a case
  11. 21. The Constitution protects against unfair government actions
  12. 22. Punishment if found guilty
  1. 1. Allows police to arrest people
  2. 4. even the leader is subject to the law
  3. 5. The branch of government that reviews and interprets laws
  4. 8. When the Judicial Branch interprets laws.
  5. 9. Decision of a jury/judge
  6. 10. The group that hears the evidence in a criminal case
  7. 12. The right of a convicted person to ask a higher court to review their case
  8. 15. Authority to interpret and administer the law
  9. 16. Someone accused of a crime
  10. 18. A formal charging of someone with a crime