Judicial Branch

  1. 3. Courts in the juvenile jsutice system are focused on ________________
  2. 7. The power of ruling unconstitutional is known as _________ review
  3. 9. Juveniles go to __________ centers, while adults go to jail
  4. 10. Criminal cases such as traffic violations and minor cases
  5. 11. _________ act is considered a crime if it is committed by an adult
  6. 13. ________ act is a violation of a law that only pertains to children
  7. 14. ______ law deals with private disputes
  8. 15. General Jurisdiction is also known as ___________
  9. 16. Georgia law defines a __________ as a person under the age of 17
  1. 1. This is the ability given to higher courts to review lower court rulings
  2. 2. A person who goes to jail for commiting a crime
  3. 4. This branch interprets the laws of georgia
  4. 5. A crime involving violence
  5. 6. This is the person known as the wrongdoer
  6. 8. This law deals with actions that harm people and society
  7. 12. The person who brings a lawsuit against another person