Judicial Branch

  1. 3. Juveniles have the right to do this in relation to the decision of the court
  2. 4. Law that deals with actions that harm people and society
  3. 5. Law that deals with private disputes
  4. 6. Person named as the "wrong doer" in a civil or criminal case
  5. 8. The judicial branch administers this
  6. 9. Person who brings a case against another person
  7. 10. Person under the age of 17
  8. 11. Crime committed by an adult or a juvenile
  9. 13. Formal document charging child with delinquency or unruliness
  10. 14. Step 5 of the juvenile justice process
  11. 15. The judicial branch does this in relation to the laws of Georgia
  12. 17. The official power to make legal decisions and judgments
  1. 1. Georgia's general jurisdiction trial court
  2. 2. violation of a law that only pertains to children
  3. 7. Courts in juvenile justice system are focused on this rather than punishment
  4. 12. Step 4 of the juvenile justice process
  5. 16. The amount of steps in the adult criminal justice process