Judicial Branch

  1. 2. Deals with private disputes
  2. 4. Judges on state court are ___ to four year terms
  3. 12. May be offered to reduce charges in exchange for a guilty plea
  4. 13. Have jurisdiction over cases involving children under the age of 17
  5. 14. These courts have ____ jurisdiction and can only hear certain types of cases
  6. 15. Person who brings a lawsuit against someone
  7. 16. Is set if they suspect will not flee and if the crime is non-violet
  8. 17. This is step six in the Adult Criminial Justice Process
  9. 18. Deals with actions that harm people and society
  1. 1. Minor civil cases
  2. 3. This is step three and Adult Criminal Justice Process
  3. 5. An act that is considered a crime if it is committed by an adult
  4. 6. The ability given to higher courts to review lower cases
  5. 7. A violation of a law that only pertains to children
  6. 8. This is step one in the Adult Criminal Justice Process
  7. 9. The Court that has the final say about laws
  8. 10. Has the right to testify, but not required to
  9. 11. The power of ruling laws unconstitutional
  10. 13. Interpret the laws of Georgia