Judicial Branch & Criminal Justice

  1. 6. programs modeled after military-style entry-level training programs for youthful nonviolent offenders
  2. 8. the right to remain silent/Double Jeopardy right to due process
  3. 10. the release of an offender detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision
  4. 12. the power of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional
  5. 13. court cases that involve a private dispute arising from such matters ad accidents, contractual obligations, and divorce
  6. 15. an institution for the incarceration of people convicted of serious crimes , usually felonies
  7. 16. a hearing in which a suspect is charged and pleads guilty or no guilty
  8. 17. court cases involving a crime or violation of public order
  9. 19. right to a speedy trial
  10. 20. following established legal procedures
  11. 23. putting in prison
  12. 24. the act of requesting or strongly urging someone to do something
  13. 26. burglary , motor vehicle theft , larceny theft , and arson
  14. 28. crimes that are committed before or in preparation for committing another crime
  15. 30. the power to determine constitutionality of statues
  16. 31. a program for reforming the offender to prevent later offenses
  17. 32. a place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime
  1. 1. declares that all persons born in the u.s. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws
  2. 2. the authority of a court to hear a case
  3. 3. crimes defined by legislative bodies in response to changing social conditions,public opinion, and custom
  4. 4. a crime
  5. 5. theft
  6. 7. freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures
  7. 9. temporary release of an accused person awaiting trail
  8. 10. agreement between a prosecutor and a defendant that the defendant will guilty to a lesser offense to avoid having to stand trail
  9. 11. a crime or offense that is less serious than a felony
  10. 14. the decision jury makes in a trail, th decision said by the jury
  11. 18. altering of any writing in a way that changes the legal rights and liabilities of another
  12. 21. voilent or nonvoilent crimes directed against people
  13. 22. offensive contact with another's persom without that person's consent
  14. 25. a sentence of punishment by execution, generally now limited to the crime of murder
  15. 27. the act of accusing; a formal accusation
  16. 29. apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court
  17. 30. the imposition of a criminal sanction by a judicial authority