Judicial Branch Review

  1. 3. Who APPOINTS federal judges?
  2. 5. What is the "Supreme Law of the Land?"
  3. 7. A serious crime that usually involves violence.
  4. 8. Being sued because your dog destroyed your neighbors garden is an example or a civil or criminal case?
  5. 9. The person being accused in a trial is called the ___.
  6. 10. What takes place after an arraignment?
  7. 11. The power to review a verdict from a lower court is called ___ Jurisdiction.
  8. 15. If you were accused of a misdemeanor, you would go to General ___ Court.
  9. 17. What is a synonym for "Unconstitutional"?
  10. 18. The constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws is called Due ___________.
  11. 19. If you are found guilty, you can take your case to the Court of ___.
  12. 20. The official decision on innocence or guilt in a court case.
  13. 21. The main function of the Judicial Branch is to ____ the laws.
  1. 1. The ___ Branch APPROVES federal judges.
  2. 2. The temporary release of someone from jail.
  3. 4. A small crime less serious than a felony.
  4. 6. The power to hear a court case for the first time is called ___ Jurisdiction.
  5. 7. America is made up of a dual court system: _________ and state.
  6. 12. The person filing a complaint or making the accusation in a trial is called the ___.
  7. 13. What are judges on the Supreme Court called?
  8. 14. Murder, drunk driving, theft of more than $500, and assault are all examples of which type of case? Civil or Criminal?
  9. 16. The ___ Court is the highest court.