Judicial Branch Vocab!!!

  1. 2. "ugh, I have to go to_____ duty."
  2. 4. the second step of a criminal case, includes setting bail, getting photographed, and getting fingerprinted
  3. 7. to ask a higher up court to review your court case
  4. 8. court case that does not end with jail time or fines
  5. 9. if you are the person accused of a crime in a criminal case, you are called the_____
  6. 11. search warrants, _____ warrant, bench warrant
  7. 14. consists of 7 people and needed to decide if there is enough evidence for trial
  8. 15. if police want a search warrant, they need a _____ cause
  9. 17. the word for the judicial branch interpreting laws
  10. 18. defendant and ______ are the two sides of a criminal case
  11. 19. court case that involves breaking of a law
  12. 20. if you are forcing someone to testify in court it called a_____
  1. 1. there are three branches of gov., executive, legislative and __________
  2. 3. a crime not as serious as a felony
  3. 5. rights right to remain silent, right to a lawyer
  4. 6. if you break a state law, you could go to not federal court, but______
  5. 10. no one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without___________of law
  6. 12. the final decision of the judge
  7. 13. in a civil case, there are two sides: defendant and _____
  8. 16. proving defendant guilty by more than reasonable doubt